A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

In the vibrant realm of Friday Night Funkin', a new sensation has taken hold: FNF Hypnos Lullaby V2. Embark on a rhythmic odyssey that melds pulsating beats with hypnotic melodies, beckoning players into a trance-like state of musical mastery. 

At its core, FNF Hypnos Lullaby V2 enchants with its seamless integration of catchy tunes and addictive gameplay mechanics. Each level unfolds like a musical tapestry, weaving intricate rhythms and challenging patterns that demand both precision and flair. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a newcomer to the rhythm genre, the game offers a welcoming yet exhilarating experience that keeps you hooked from the first beat to the last.

One of the standout features of FNF Hypnos Lullaby V2 lies in its accessibility and depth. With intuitive controls that sync effortlessly with the music, players find themselves effortlessly immersed in the groove, feeling the pulse of each track as they navigate through increasingly complex stages. The game's design is not just about hitting the right notes; it's about syncing with the rhythm and feeling the music course through your fingertips.

And here's the kicker: nestled within the game is a delightful secret waiting to be uncovered. The fun fact that adds an extra layer of excitement and intrigue: by pressing '7' in the menu where you select freeplay or story, players can unlock everything in a single stroke. It's a hidden gem that rewards curiosity and adds a dash of unexpected fun to the gameplay experience.

Moreover, FNF Hypnos Lullaby V2 isn't just about gameplay—it's a visual and auditory feast. Each character is brought to life with vibrant animations that pulse in time with the music, creating a synesthetic spectacle that enhances every beat drop and crescendo. From the sleek, neon-lit environments to the expressive gestures of your musical rivals, every detail is meticulously crafted to immerse you in the world of rhythmic combat.

So, whether you're tapping your fingers to the beat or diving headfirst into the challenge of mastering each level, FNF Hypnos Lullaby V2 promises an unforgettable journey through the power of music. It's more than just a game; it's an invitation to groove, a testament to rhythm, and a celebration of the joy found in every note.

Published 9 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS
Tagscreepypasta, Horror, hypno, lullaby


hypno-s-lullaby.zip 720 MB

Install instructions

(finished product)

open the .zip and then open the "hypnos lullaby v2" application file. then press "extract all" then press the application file again. the icon should not pop up till you have completed the steps.

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